Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discourse on the Origin of Inequality and Kants Perpetual Peace Research Paper

Discourse on the Origin of Inequality and Kants Perpetual Peace - Research Paper Example The people who lived stress less life had good morals and they were filled with pity, and thus they could not hurt one another (Kant et al 3). As time progressed, the man began to change. As the number of people increased, the ways in which people could satisfy meet their daily needs changed. Because of the difficulties that people began experiencing, they started seeing each other and also began living together. They called these places communities because many people created large areas and made them settlements. They also continued working but they did so by dividing work between themselves. This they called it a division of labour and it happened between small units of people which were known as families. Division of labour leads to the invention of tools and other practices such as farming that made life easier. The fact that they worked and become tired led to the need for rest (Kant et al 4). They thus recognized the need to rest and work the following day, which they called l eisure after some time doing that. During leisure, people began to talk about the comparison between one community and another and also between themselves. This comparison brought about public values that led to shame and pride when one was told to be more superior to others. In addition, a certain community was considered more powerful than others if they had more resources. This started to make people envy property and pride and contempt. The desire for one to be recognized as superior or powerful, lead to some people isolating themselves from others. Isolation made these people accumulate property of their own. Soon the society leant of private property as important resources that brought pride and fame.

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